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We maintain a directory of women working in machine learning

Are you a woman or gender minority in the field of Machine Learning? Add yourself to the Directory by creating an account here. After confirming your email address (check your spam or promotion folder for the confirmation email!), log in and create a “Public Profile”.

WiML team
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The directory is opt-in: you need to confirm your account and create a Public Profile, selecting the option to appear in the directory to be listed. Please note that if you signed up on the previous directory (through Google forms), you will need to create a new profile.

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For searching the directory, use this link and filter with space-separated keywords. Additional filters allow you to search for senior positions (academia and industry), and/or for countries that are typically under-represented in research (based on the 2017 list of low to middle-high income countries). If you are organizing an event related to machine learning, please use the directory to look for invited speakers, area chairs, conference committee members, etc.

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For more details on the directory, please see the FAQ. Feedback on the Directory can be provided through this form.

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