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  • WiML Social @ ICLR 2022 | WiML

    All events WiML Social @ ICLR 2022 Virtual April 25, 2022 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm A one hour Virtual Panel session (45 min + 15 min Q&A from the audience) which will take place on April 25th, 19:00-20:00 GMT. The topic of the panel will be the interplay of academia and geographic location. During the Virtual Panel we hope to encourage discussions about geographically specific challenges experienced in academia. To apply for registration funding go to: Moderated by Dr. Caroline Weis Panelists Include: Akiko Eriguchi, Senior Researcher, Microsoft. Akiko is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft. Her research interests lie in multilingual NLP and deep learning. With her position in the Microsoft Translator team, she has developed MT systems and multilingual NLP applications. Her work has been published in ACL, EMNLP, etc. She has served as a reviewer for ACL, EMNLP, NeurIPS, AAAI. She is also a 2021-2022 co-organizer of the Workshop on Asian Translation. Prior to joining Microsoft, she was a Research Fellow (DC1) at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. She obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Tokyo, Japan, where her PhD thesis received the sixth AAMT Nagao Student award from the Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation. Nora Hollenstein, Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen. Nora is an assistant professor in NLP & Cognitive Science at the University of Copenhagen. Before joining the Center for Language Technology at the University of Copenhagen, Nora was a PhD candidate at DS3Lab at ETH Zurich working on cognitively inspired natural language processing. She was also a lecturer at the Institute of Computational Linguistics of the University of Zurich. The focus of her research lies in enhancing NLP applications with cognitive data such as eye-tracking and brain activity recordings. She is especially interested in multi-modal learning, learning from limited data, and the interpretability and cognitive plausibility of machine learning models. Jessica Schrouff, Senior Research Scientist, Google Research. Jessica is a Senior Research Scientist at Google Research working on machine learning for healthcare. Before joining Google in 2019, she was a Marie Curie post-doctoral fellow at University College London (UK) and Stanford University (USA), developing machine learning techniques for neuroscience discovery and clinical predictions. Throughout her career, Jessica’s interests have lied not only in the technical advancement of machine learning methods, but also in critical aspects of their deployment such as their credibility, fairness, robustness or interpretability. Previous Next

  • WiML Workshop 2014 | WiML

    All events WiML Workshop 2014 Montreal, Canada December 8, 2014 08:00 am — 06:00 pm The 9th annual Women in Machine Learning workshop was colocated with NIPS 2014 in Montreal, Canada in December 2014. The workshop website is no longer maintained. The organizers were: Allison Chaney, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Sarah Brown, and Jessica Thompson. The invited speakers were: Carla Brodley, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Diane Hu, and Claudia Perlich, with Finale Doshi-Velez giving the opening remarks. Previous Next

  • WiML Workshop @ NeurIPS 2024 | WiML

    All events WiML Workshop @ NeurIPS 2024 Vancouver, Canada December 10, 2024 ​ 19th Women in Machine Learning Workshop (WiML 2024) — the workshop is co-located with NeurIPS on Tuesday, December 10th, 2024. For more information or to register, please visit the event’s website here. Previous Next

  • Katherine M. Kinnaird, PhD | WiML

    < Back Katherine M. Kinnaird, PhD WiML President (2016-2019), Director (2014-2015) Visit my Profile

  • Sara Jennings, MS | WiML

    < Back Sara Jennings, MS WiML Director (2021-2022) Visit my Profile

  • Alice Zheng, PhD | WiML

    < Back Alice Zheng, PhD WiML Treasurer (2013-2015), Director (2012)

  • FAQ | WiML

    Do you have a list of members? How can I join WiML? WiML doesn’t have “members” per se, any women working in machine learning can be part of the WiML network. We have a mailing list for anyone to post announcements of interest to the WiML network and an opt-in, necessarily incomplete directory of women working in machine learning. How can I join the WiML mailing list? Join the mailing list directly here. What kind of events do you organize? Our flagship event is the annual WiML Workshop, typically co-located with NeurIPS, a machine learning conference. We also organize an “un-workshop” at ICML, as well as small events (e.g. lunches and receptions) at other machine learning conferences, such as CoRL, COLT, etc. Check out our events page for up-to-date listings of events. Do you have local meetups? No, but check out WiMLDS (website, Twitter), another organization that supports women in machine learning by organizing local meetups. How do I reach the WiML network? Use our mailing list. How can I sponsor WiML? Thank you for your interest in sponsoring WiML! See this page for more information. I am looking for an invited speaker/panelist/area chair/program committee member/ etc. Can WiML help me? Use our directory of women in machine learning or post this opportunity to our mailing list. I want to circulate a job posting. Can WiML help me? Post directly to our mailing list. How can I support WiML? You can: Post interesting opportunities and job postings to our mailing list. Use our directory of women in machine learning to find invited speakers, panelists, area chairs, program committee members, etc, or post these opportunities to our mailing list. Sponsor us. See this page for more information. Volunteer at one of our events. Check out our events page for up-to-date listings of events. Apply to be an area chair or reviewer at WiML Workshop (see this year’s workshop website for info). Take pictures at our events and share with us (tag @wimlworkshop on Twitter). If you see us mentioned in the media, send us a link at And many others! How did WiML start? What's the founding story? Hanna Wallach, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan, Lisa Wainer, and Angela Yu shared a room at NIPS 2005. Late one night, they talked about how exciting it was that there were FOUR female students at NIPS that year. They tried to list all the women in machine learning they know of and got to 10, then started talking about creating a meeting or gathering for all these women and perhaps others that they didn’t know about. Jenn, Lisa, and Hanna put together a proposal for a session at the 2006 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing that would feature talks and posters by female researchers and students in machine learning. The 1st WiML workshop was co-located with the 2006 Grace Hopper Celeberation. In 2008, WiML Workshop moved to NIPS (renamed NeurIPS in 2018) and there has been a WiML Workshop at NeurIPS every year since. In 2020, WiML introduced an “un-workshop” at ICML based on the concept of an “un-conference”, a form of discussion on a pre-selected topic that is primarily driven by participants. Read more WiML history here! I have a question that isn't here. How do I reach you? We receive a lot of email. Help us help you by reaching out through the appropriate channels. Job posting, announcement, CFP, etc: Post directly to WiML mailing list. Have event pictures to share: post on Twitter and tag @wimlworkshop Workshop enquiries: If you are a company interested in sponsoring WiML: Any other enquiries: If you email us, don’t cc multiple email addresses — this saves us time routing your email to one mailbox, and reduces the chances of your email getting lost. Thank you in advance! FAQ

  • WiML Un-Workshop at ICML 2022 | WiML

    All events WiML Un-Workshop at ICML 2022 Hybrid-In person Baltimore Convention Center Baltimore MD USA and Virtual July 17, 2022 8:45 am - 10:30 pm Hybrid-In person Baltimore Convention Center Baltimore MD USA and Virtual For more information or to register, please go to: Previous Next

  • WiML Workshop 2012 | WiML

    All events WiML Workshop 2012 Lake Tahoe, Nevada December 3, 2012 08:00 am — 06:00 pm The 7th annual Women in Machine Learning workshop was colocated with NIPS 2012 in Lake Tahoe, Nevada in December 2012. The workshop website is no longer maintained. The organizers were: Tamara Broderick, Minmin Chen, Pallika Kanani, and Tejaswini Narayanan, with faculty advisor Raquel Urtasun. If you see any errors or omissions or have any information to contribute to this page, please contact us at Previous Next

  • Brandie Nonnecke, PhD | WiML

    < Back Brandie Nonnecke, PhD WiML Director (2019-2021) Visit my Profile

  • Kristy Choi | WiML

    < Back Kristy Choi WiML Director Visit my Profile

  • WiML Un-Workshop 2020 | WiML

    1st Women in Machine Learning Un-Workshop The 1st WiML virtual Un-Workshop is co-located with virtual ICML on Monday July 13th, 2020. Speakers Logistics Program Call for Participation Committee FAQ Code Of Conduct Machine learning is one of the fastest growing areas of computer science research. Search engines, text mining, social media analytics, face recognition, DNA sequence analysis, speech and handwriting recognition, healthcare analytics are just some of the applications in which machine learning is routinely used. In spite of the wide reach of machine learning and the variety of theory and applications, it covers, the percentage of female researchers is lower than in many other areas of computer science. Most women working in machine learning rarely get the chance to interact with other female researchers, making it easy to feel isolated and hard to find role models. ​ The annual Women in Machine Learning Workshop is the flagship event of Women in Machine Learning . This technical workshop gives female faculty, research scientists, and graduate students in the machine learning community an opportunity to meet, network and exchange ideas, participate in career-focused panel discussions with senior women in industry and academia and learn from each other. Underrepresented minorities and undergraduates interested in machine learning research are encouraged to attend. We welcome all genders; however, any formal presentations, i.e. talks and posters, are given by women. We strive to create an atmosphere in which participants feel comfortable to engage in technical and career-related conversations. The workshop started at the 2006 Grace Hopper Celebration and moved to NeurIPS in 2008. A History of WiML poster was created in 2015 to celebrate the 10th workshop. ​ This is the 1st WiML Un-Workshop and is co-located with ICML . This event along with ICML are virtual events due to COVID-19. ​ The term “un-workshop” is based on the concept of an “un-conference”, a form of discussion on a pre-selected topic that is primarily driven by participants. The overall goal of the un-workshop is to advance research through collaboration and increased interaction among participants from diverse backgrounds. Different from the workshop, the un-workshop’s main focus is topical breakout sessions, with short invited talks and casual, informal poster presentations. ​ Besides this un-workshop and annual workshop which is co-located with NeurIPS, Women in Machine Learning also also organizes events such as lunch at AAAI conference, maintains a public directory of women active in ML, profiles the research of women in ML, and maintains a list of resources for women working in ML. Invited Speakers Location This un-workshop takes place virtually due to COVID-19. Please note that the application form does not constitute registration for the WiML Un-Workshop. To attend the un-workshop, you need to register for ICML at . There is no separate registration for the un-workshop. PROGRAM ACCEPTED POSTERS Call for Participation The 1st WiML Un-Workshop is co-located with ICML on Monday, July 13th, 2020. ​ The Women in Machine Learning will be organizing the first “un-workshop” at ICML 2020. This is a new event format to encourage more participant interaction, especially with ICML going virtual this year. The un-workshop is based on the concept of an “un-conference”, a form of discussion on a pre-selected topic that is primarily driven by participants. Different from the workshop, the un-workshop’s main focus is topical breakout sessions, with short invited talks and casual, informal poster presentations. ​ The overall goal of the un-workshop is to advance research through collaboration and increased interaction among participants from diverse backgrounds. Students, postdocs and researchers in all areas of Machine Learning who primarily identify as a woman and/or nonbinary are encouraged to submit one-page proposal to lead a breakout session on a certain research topic. ​ While all presenters will identify primarily as a woman and/or nonbinary, all genders are invited to attend. ​ Important dates ​ May 26th, 2020 – Application form opens June 15th, 2020 – Deadline (anywhere on Earth) to apply for a breakout session, poster, registration fee funding, facilitating or volunteering June 22nd, 2020 – Notification of acceptance of breakout session’s proposals June 30th, 2020 – Notification of acceptance of posters, registration fee funding, facilitators, volunteers July 13th, 2020 – WiML Un-Workshop Day ​ Various ways of participating in WiML u n-workshop ​ Lead a breakout session: submit a proposal to lead a breakout session on a certain research topic. Facilitate a breakout session: assist breakout session leaders by taking notes and encouraging participant interactions and taking attendance. Present a poster: present a poster in a casual, informal setting. Volunteer: help with technical setup and in-event needs. Attend: participate in breakout session discussions. ​ Breakout session proposals A breakout session is a 1-hour free-form discussion overseen by 1-3 leaders and with assistance from 1-2 facilitators to take notes and encourage participant interactions. We strongly encourage students, postdocs, and researchers who primarily identify as women and/or nonbinary in all areas of machine learning to submit a proposal to lead a topical breakout session. ​ A complete proposal consists of a 1 page blind PDF (example here ) and the names and bios of leaders submitted separately in the application form. We strongly recommend having at least 2 leaders, with a diverse set of leaders preferred (see selection criteria below). The names of facilitators can also be provided if known at submission time. Otherwise, the organizers will match facilitators to breakout sessions. Breakout session leaders must identify primarily as women and/or nonbinary; facilitators can be of any gender. Only one proposal submission per leader is allowed. If there are multiple leaders, only one leader needs to submit the proposal. There are no proceedings. ​ WiML registration fee funding is prioritized for accepted breakout session leaders who fulfill certain eligibility criteria (see details below) and do not have any other sources of funding. ​ Breakout session guidelines: Role of leaders: Point-out key characteristics of your topic and make connections with other topics. Describe the key challenges in this research area on a high-level. Describe the key approaches on a high-level to provide intuition. Highlight possible points of discussion/goals to achieve during the session. Use graphics/imagery and materials e.g. slides as needed Encourage inclusive (rather than unilateral) discussions Role of facilitators: take notes and encourage participant interactions. Leaders and facilitators should anticipate a small additional time commitment before the un-workshop to receive briefing/training and a possible dry run. While the exact technology is still being determined, we anticipate using video-conferencing software (e.g. Zoom). ​ Submission instructions for breakout sessions: Proposals must be no more than 1 page (including any references, tables, and figures) submitted as a PDF. Main body text must be minimum 11 point font size and page margins must be minimum 0.75 inches (all sides). Your proposal should stand alone, without linking to a longer paper or supplement. You should provide a brief description of the topics you’d like to discuss, any relevant references, a plan for how you’d organize the time (1 hour) allocated for a session, as well as some ideas on how you’d encourage discussion and participant interaction during the session. The PDF must not include identifying information, as it will be reviewed blind. In particular, the PDF should not contain information of the leaders or facilitators. Instead, submit their information in the application form. ​ Selection criteria for breakout sessions: The degree to which it is expected that participants will find the topic interesting and valuable. Diversity of leaders and facilitators, including diversity of experience/seniority, affiliation, race, viewpoint and thinking regarding the topic, etc. Plans for encouraging discussion and participant interaction during the session. Facilitators If you are interested in facilitating a breakout session but have not yet connected with anyone submitting a breakout session proposal, you can indicate your interest in the application form. Organizers will match selected facilitators to breakout sessions. Facilitators should anticipate a small additional time commitment before the un-workshop to receive briefing/training and a possible dry run. ​ Posters If you wish to present a poster, submit EITHER a short abstract (max 1500 characters) OR a PDF of the poster (only if you have it already). The poster may describe new, previously, concurrently published, or work-in-progress research. Posters in theory, methods, and applications are welcome. ​ The poster presenter must identify primarily as a woman and/or nonbinary; other authors can be of any gender. The poster presenter does not need to be the first author of the work. Only one poster submission per presenter is allowed. ​ Accepted posters will be presented in a casual, informal setting. This setting is very different from formal poster sessions, e.g. at WiML Workshop at NeurIPS. While the exact presentation format is still being determined, it may be as simple as a webpage with poster PDF and pre-recorded video. There are no oral or spotlight presentations. There are no proceedings. ​ Submission instructions for posters: Submitted materials may contain identifying information, as posters for this un-workshop are not reviewed blind. Your submission should stand alone, without linking to a longer paper or supplement. You should convey motivation and give some technical details of the approach used. While we acknowledge that space is limited, some experimental results are likely to improve reviewers’ opinions of your poster. R egistration fee funding The virtual nature of ICML and this un-workshop allows individuals from all over the world to attend. By funding a number of ICML registrations, WiML hopes to further expand the range of participants at this un-workshop. To apply for funding, you should: identify primarily as a woman and/or nonbinary; be a student, postdoc, or have an equivalent position (equivalent positions include unemployed recent grads and early career researchers from underrepresented geographical regions). ​ Accepted breakout session leaders who fulfill the above eligibility criteria and do not have any other sources of funding will be prioritized for WiML funding. Other participants are also encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to individuals from underrepresented regions or groups, first-time attendees of ICML or similar conferences, and individuals who would benefit the most from this funding. ​ Funding recipients must participate in at least one breakout session as a leader, facilitator, or attendee. Due to limited funding, we may not be able to support everyone eligible; however, we hope to support as many eligible applicants as possible. ​ We also encourage you to apply for ICML volunteer and funding opportunities, which are separate and independent of WiML funding. Check the ICML website directly for details. ​ Volunteering We are seeking volunteers to help with technical setup and virtual technology testing before the event, as well as help during the event, e.g. letting people into Zoom rooms, etc. We may also need emergency reviewers for breakout session proposals. You can indicate if you can help in any way in the application form here . ​ Participation instructions To participate in ANY of the above roles and/or apply for registration fee funding, please fill in this application form by **June 15, 2020**. Selected breakout session leaders, facilitators, poster presenters, volunteers, and funding recipients will be notified individually by the dates mentioned above. ​ If you only wish to attend, we still recommend you fill in this form to provide your timezone and topic preferences. All participants are required to abide by the WiML Code of Conduct . ​ Important note: This form does not constitute registration for the WiML Un-Workshop. To attend the un-workshop, you need to register for ICML at . ​ Submission is now open! ​ Organizers Fariba Yousefi, University of Sheffield Caroline Weis, ETH Zurich Tatjana Chavdarova, EPFL & Idiap Research Institute Mandana Samiei, McGill University and Mila Larissa Schiavo ​ Questions? Check out the FAQs or reach us at workshop[at]wimlworkshop[dot]org PLATINUM SPONSORS Committee ORGANIZERS Fariba Yousefi PhD Student at the University of Sheffield, General Chair Caroline Weis PhD Student at ETH Zurich, Finance & Sponsorship Chair Tatjana Chavdarova PhD Student at EPFL & Idiap Research Institute Senior Program and Networking Chair Mandana Samiei PhD Student at McGill University and Mila Breakout Program & Logistics Chair Larissa Schiavo Funding and Volunteers Chair Diversity and Inclusion Chair Rachel Thomas ( and University of San Francisco) Sinead Williamson (University of Texas Austin) Back To Top

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